#tulsi-turmeric kadha
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howtogetridofmigraine · 6 months ago
How to get rid of cough and cold naturally
Cough and Cold is a natural reflex that affects upper human body parts like(upper respiratory system,runny nose, throat etc.). Coughing is a productive symptom that clears the breathing passage in response to irritants. It's a seasonal and environmental allergy that is the most common cause of cough and cold. Cough is a common reflex action and it also occurs when any external particles enter our airways. Apart from the seasonal changes there are other factors that can cause cough and cold.
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Causes Of Cough And Cold
There are many ways a person can be affected by cough and cold. Here are some listed: 
Allergies which involve the nose or sinus.
Lung infections like pneumonia or acute bronchitis.
Allergy from strong smells likes( perfumes and cleaners)
Whooping cough ( also called pertussis)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease( COPD) and other lung conditions.
Asthma ( especially in children)
Postnasal drips
Certain types of medication like high blood pressure medicine.
Natural Remedies For Treatment Of Cough And Cold 
Medicines and cough syrups are provided by the doctors for betterment but in addition there are certain natural remedies that a person follows at home and feels better. Here are some:
Blow Your Nose In Proper Way 
When a person feels cold it is important to blow his nose regularly in a proper way because when you blow hard pressure can carry the germs back into your ear passages which causes earache. The best way to blow your nose is to press a finger over one nostril gently while blowing to clear the other.
Gargle With Warm Saltwater
A simple remedy for soothing a sore throat and reducing the cough. Mix half teaspoon of salt in warm water and gargle it for some seconds before spitting it out. Repeat this process several times a day, it helps to reduce throat inflammation and break the mucus.
Use Of Honey
Honey is loaded with antimicrobial properties that not only heavenly use for taste buds but also it helps to ease sore throat. It is an effective cough suppressant. Honey provides relief from chest congestion by loosening mucus and helping it to come out. Take a teaspoonful of honey before going to bed at night to reduce the severity of cough.
Sip Of Tulsi Tea  
Tulsi is known as “ Queen of Herbs” and “ Mother Medicine of Nature”. Tulsi leaves help to improve the ability of the immune system to fight against the common cold and cough. It boosts the production of antibodies which protects the internal system from many infections. Chew the tulsi leaves in the morning and make kadha by adding the tulsi leaves, ginger and black pepper powder in water and boil it. Take this kadha multiple times a day and you feel better.
Hot Drinks ( Ginger, Cinnamon And Turmeric)
Ginger, Cinnamon And Turmeric are potential ingredients with anti-inflammatory and anti- bacterial properties. Take a piece of ginger, some cinnamon and a pinch of turmeric and put in water and boil it, after boiling strain it and a teaspoonful of honey and drink it several times in a day to relieve congestion and promote healing.
Take Hot Shower (Steam Shower)
Wet coughs which produce a lot of mucus may improve with taking a steam shower. The warmth and humidity from a steamy shower can moisturize your nasal passage and make you feel relaxed.
Use Of Menthol Salve Under Your Nose 
Take a small dab of menthol and camphor made salve and put it under your nose. It can help in opening the breathing passage and soothing the irritated skin under your nose. Menthol and camphor have mild numbing ingredients which helps in relieving pain under the nose.
Eats Infection Fighting Food
Eat the food which contain lots of vitamins, zinc, minerals when you fight against cold and cough like:
Bell peppers which contain vitamin-C
Blueberries which are high in natural aspirin that help give relief in ache and pains
Carrot that contain beta carotene
Mustard may help in to break up the mucus in air passages
Onions contains the phytochemicals which helps the body to clear bronchitis and other infections
Black and Green tea have catechin ( phytochemical) that have natural antibiotics and antidiarrheal effects
When you are dealing with cold and cough or other respiratory infections it wants more immediate relief. Cover your mouth with tissue when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands regularly or use alcohol based sanitizer. If you feel that your condition would be serious then it's better to take proper prescription from doctors and take medications.
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solshop · 1 year ago
Ayurvedic Kwath Kadha | Sol Shop
Get ready to enter the world of wellness with Ayurvedic Kwath Kadha! This natural super-solution is here to ensure your overall health and well-being stay in tip-top shape, even during the turbulent times. Advised by the ministry of Ayush ayurveda during covid times, our time-tested and natural super-solution is an amazing blend of herbs that offer a myriad of benefits.
Why drink this tea?
Supercharge your immune system with a potent blend of Tulsi, Amla, Giloy, and Ashwagandha. Shield yourself from common illnesses and enjoy a robust defense against pathogens. Unlock your body's natural protection with this immune-boosting tea. Ayurvedic Kwath Kadha
Experience the remarkable anti-inflammatory properties of Turmeric, Ginger, and Licorice. Liberate your body from chronic inflammation during cough & cold and embrace a vibrant, pain-free life. Rediscover your zest for life with the soothing benefits of this anti-inflammatory tea.
Unleash the digestive power of Ginger, Black Pepper, and Licorice for ultimate relief. Banish bloating, gas, and indigestion, and savor every meal without worries. Discover a world of culinary freedom and digestive harmony with this tea. Ayurvedic Kwath Kadha
Embrace serenity and conquer stress with the harmonizing magic of Ashwagandha, Tulsi, and Licorice. Reclaim your inner calm and experience the tranquility that elevates your well-being.Find your sanctuary in a cup, and let this tea become your daily escape.
Awaken your senses to the antioxidant power of Amla, Turmeric, and Cinnamon. Safeguard your cells against the ravages of time, and revel in a youthful glow. Unlock the secret to radiant vitality with this antioxidant-rich tea. Ayurvedic Kwath Kadha
Amla, Giloy / Guduchi , Turmeric, Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Cinnamon, Ginger, Black Pepper, Licorice
Brewing Instructions
Water should be heated to a temperature of 99 Degrees Celsius, and then add the tea to it and brew for 4-6 minutes.
Recommended Dosage
Try this tea for a regular period of 60 days and see the transformation yourself. 2-3 cups per day is sufficient.
Best enjoyed in hot form
Tasting Notes
Warm Aroma and Earthy Flavour
Tight-lid cylindrical containers for loose leaves and sachets for tea bags are used to store teas after they have been vacuum-sealed in Matellised Packaging, which protects the teas from air and light while also preventing them from absorbing aromas and deteriorating over time.
ORDER Ayurvedic Kwath Kadha
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drsharadent · 3 years ago
Having A Sore Throat DOES NOT MEAN Just Throat Infection….U Might Be Suffering From These !!
What is “Sore throat”?
Sore throat is a scratchy or an itchy sensation in throat which causes discomfort to the patient while swallowing. Many patients may call this scratchy or itchy sensation as –
Irritation in throat
Discomfort in throat
Pain in throat
Burning in throat
Most common causes of sore throat –
Bacteria: Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus etc.
Less discussed but now common causes of Sore throat which are not detected and patient remains in distress are —
Laryngopharyngeal reflux (पेट में acidity की दिक्कत रहना    या           पेट में तेज़ाब का ज़्यादा बनना        या पेट के तेज़ाब का गले की तरफ आना)
Subacute thyroiditis (aka De Quervain Thyroiditis) (Thyroid ग्रंथि का एक प्रकार का infection)
Tonsil Stones (or Tonsilloliths) (खाने के छोटे-छोटे पदार्थ का Tonsil में फँस जाना)
Excessive Kadha intake (one of the COVID-19 aftermath in India) (काढ़े का अनावश्यक या नियमित मात्रा से अधिक सेवन )
Laryngopharyngeal Reflux refers to the black flow of stomach contents into the throat. There is one another disease which is also related to backflow of stomach contents known as GERD (or Gastroesophageal reflux disease), which is very similar to but still different from LPR. In GERD patient DOES NOT have any throat symptoms.
Symptoms of GERD will be –
Epigastric burning (खाने के बाद पेट में जलन)
Heart burn (खाने के  बाद छाती में जलन)
Bloating (खाने के बाद पेट का फूलना)
Belching (खट्टी डकार आना)
Heaviness in chest (खाने के बाद छाती में भारीपन महसूस होना)
Difficulty in swallowing (खाना निगलने में तकलीफ होना)
However in LPR, patient will have throat symptoms.
Symptoms of LPR will be –
SORE THROAT (गले में हमेशा खराश बने रहना)
COUGH (खांसी बने रहना)
SENSATION OF LUMP IN THROAT (हमेशा गले में ये महसूस होना की कुछ फंसा हुआ है, जो ना निगला जा रहा है और ना ही बाहर थूका जा रहा है)
SENSATION OF CONSTANT CLEARING THROAT (हमेशा ऐसा महसूस होना की गले में कुछ फंसा हुआ है और उसको निकालने के लिए बार-बार गाला साफ़ करने की कोशिश करना…. और जब मरीज़ बार-बार गाला साफ़ करता रहता है तो इस से उस के गले में खराश कम नहीं होती बल्कि और बढ़ जाती है)
Excessive saliva/mucus production (मुँह में अधिक थूक बन���ा)
THROAT PAIN (गले में दर्द बने रहना)
BAD BREATH (मुँह से बदबू आना)
HOARSENESS OF VOICE (आवाज़ खराब होना)
यानि की पेट में तेज़ाब ज़्यादा बनने से और उस तेज़ाब का पेट से वापस गले की तरफ आने से भी आपका गला ख़राब हो सकता है ……..ये ज़रूरी नहीं है की आपको गले का infection हुआ हो और आपको antibiotic खाने की ज़रूरत हो… . . बल्कि ये दिक्कत मामूली गैस की दवाई खाने से ही ठीक हो सकती है I
The diagnosis of subacute thyroiditis is often overlooked because the symptoms can mimic Throat infection.
The peak incidence occurs at 30-50 years. Occurs more frequently in Women than Men.
The patient in Subacute thyroiditis will also have symptoms like of a throat infection such as –
Sore throat
Difficulty in swallowing
Pain during swallowing.
Enlarged surrounding lymph nodes.
Apart from this, the distinguishing feature will be presence of a painful and mildly enlarged thyroid gland.
Diagnosis can be made by a simple Ultrasound of neck, and if required FNAC (fine needle aspiration cytology).
FNAC एक साधारण जांच है जिसमे छोटी सी सुई thyroid ग्रंथि में डाली जाती है और एक बिलकुल महीन सा टुकड़ा लिया जाता है…….इस टुकड़े की जांच में Subacute thyroiditis confirm हो जाता है I
Subacute thyroiditis का पता लगना इसलिए ज़रूरी है क्यूंकि भले ही इसके symptoms throat infection जैसे हो परन्तु इसका इलाज throat infection से बिलकुल ही अलग होता है I
This is a condition which is very commonly presented to an ENT doctor where the patients complaint that he/she sees creamish-white or white particles in the throat and they keep coming in the mouth spontaneously or while coughing or sneezing. These particles are very foul-smelling and some even think of it as an indication of cancer.
However, it is NOT AT ALL related to cancer and patients do not need to worry about this. These are just food debris that are stuck in the tonsils.
Due to poor mouth rinsing and gargling, these food particles get stuck in the throat and cause –
Bad Breath.
Discomfort in throat.
Sensation of something scratching the throat from inside.
These can be treated at home by simple gargling of mouth every time patient eats something with simple luke warm water or patient may use Betadine 2% (w/v) mint gargles also. [Take 150-200 ml of luke warm water and mix 5-10 ml of betadine gargles in it. Now do gargling at least three times in a day for 2-3 weeks, and if required may be for longer duration].
यानि की tonsil में फंसे हुए खाने के महीन टुकड़ों से ��ी आपको ये महसूस हो सकता है की आपका गला ख़राब है, या आपको गले का infection हुआ है  और आपको antibiotic खाने की ज़रूरत हो… . . . .
बल्कि ये दिक्कत मामूली गरारे करने से ही ठीक हो सकती है I
During COVID times, it is very commonly seen that almost all homes developed their own recipe of making kadha (काढ़ा ) from youtube or internet article or Whatsapp or from google, and started drinking it 2 to 4 times a day like an immunity booster so as to save themselves from catching coronavirus infection.
However, I would like to break this to everyone reading this that……….. Kadha CAN NOT act as a miracle potion in saving you from catching coronavirus infection. eg. If you come in contact with a coronavirus-positive patient without a mask and shook hands with him…..you CANNOT think that because you have been drinking kadha 2-4 times in a day all these times so you can not catch the infection.
Drinking kadha may have some beneficial effect on some individuals and intake in moderation is still justified.
However, it was seen that people started presenting to ENT OPD with complaints of severe throat pain, excessive sore throat, the sensation of something stuck in the throat, the sensation of a lump in the throat after drinking kadha.  
Kadha is a drink that can contain various ingredients which can vary from—-
Ginger (अदरक)
Black Pepper (काली मिर्च)
Cinnamon (दालचीनी)
Turmeric (हल्दी)
Giloy (गिलोए)
Liquorice (मुलेठी)
Indian ginseng (अष्वगंधा)
Dry ginger (सोंठ)
Fennel (सौंफ)
Long pepper (पीपली)
Cardamom (इलायची)
Basil (तुलसी)
Mint (पुदीना)
Cloves (लौंग)
These ingredients when not put in a properly measured amount do not make an “immunity booster kadha” rather patient makes a “TROUBLE DRINK” for himself.
Because of excessive kadha intake, many patients have reported to ENT OPD with—
SORE THROAT (गले में ख़राश)
Severe congestion of the throat leading to severe pain in throat. (गला पकने की वजह से गले में दर्द रहना)
Burning stomach (पेट में जलन रहना)
Chest discomfort (छाती में भारीपन रहना)
Hyperacidity (पेट में तेज़ाब ज़्यादा बनना)
Flaring up of GERD and LPR
Mouth and tongue ulcers (मुँह और जीभ में छाले होना)
Indigestion leading to further flaring up of GERD and LPR. (बदहज़मी)
Hence, I suggest that kadha might be having its good effects when made properly with the right ingredients mixed in the right proportion and if taken in moderation…………..
But if not made properly and if taken in excess will DEFINITELY cause distress and discomfort to the patient.
MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: This blog including information, content, references, and opinions are for informational purposes only.
The Author does not provide any medical advice on this platform.
By viewing, accessing or reading this blog does not establish any doctor-patient relationship.
The information provided in this blog does not replace the services and opinions of a qualified medical professional who examines you and then prescribes medicines.
And if you have any questions of medical nature, please refer to your doctor or the qualified medical personnel for evaluation and management at a clinic/hospital near you.
The content provided in this blog represents the Author’s own interpretation of research articles.
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mainaktea21 · 4 years ago
Tulsi | Turmeric | Haldi | Medicinal Tea | Mainak Tea
Mainak Tea is one of the leading tea brand in India that provide various types of healthy and delicious tea products CTC, Black, Green, Spice, Cardamom, Ginger, Haldi, Turmeric, Tulsi, and Ayurvedic tea. We also offer immunity-boosting anti-infectious tea that protects us from various types of infectious diseases. For more details please log on to https://www.mainaktea.com
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genxsoftofficial · 4 years ago
Most of us are in a habit of enlivening ourselves by sipping our tea. And ever since the pandemic struck last year, our perspectives towards tea did not remain the same. Earlier, we drank a variety of  teas for simple goals such as well-being, enjoyment, suppressing our hunger and restlessness or extended it to the purpose of trying what's new in the market.
However, after Covid-19,  it changed to what's the purpose of having tea? Yes, we defined our purpose for having tea according to our body needs and constitution. We were guided towards different kadhas, herbal teas and drinking of lukewarm water as much as possible. Also, no one can deny the fact that tea prices rose almost to double during the pandemic. The tea which used to cost Rs 80-90 was priced between Rs 125-145 instantly.
All of us tried different kadhas, types of teas, turmeric lattes, using a variety of herbs from our kitchen in our tea. And we all tried our hands at different recipes and played around with different mixes of tea, customised according to the need of our body constitution.
Many people learnt how to identify body constitutions or Dosha Prakriti. Be it you are of Vaat constitution or of  Pitta or Kapha, tea changes amplify your mood, and can help you to heal. Such herbal teas, which are made up of flowers, herbs and spices definitely help in reduction of anxiety, worry, fear, anger, irritation, depression and other emotional imbalances.
But did you know there are different types of teas available in the market according to your need? Yes, the motive specific Ayurvedic and flower teas or the calming “tisane” (the French word for tea) are very helpful.
Well, you need not know rocket science for that, just know what you want around your health and you are good to go. If you are a sickly type, who is constantly felled by stomach upsets, headaches and colds or among those who just wish to detox and relax, you need not worry as there are plenty of tea concoctions available according to your need. Not forgetting that there are people who aim at having good skin and keep their diabetes in check.
Usually, we can have different motives for drinking tea – you may want to lose weight, or just get relieved from stress, many are there who want their skin to glow, or bust the cold, cough or headache.  Luckily, there's always a soothing cup of herbal tea available or even better, most of the herbs can be grown at home in your potted plants. And neither of these teas would require any special equipment to make them. The teas I have mentioned below are usually drunk hot and preferably in the mornings and evenings for at least a month for the effect to be visibly noticed. And since these teas do not have any caffeine in them though, they can easily be drunk at night as well.
I have also mentioned the tentative herbs your motive specific tea may include.
Reduce your blood sugar: If your aim is as the start of this para mentions, do try Hibiscus Flower Tea, it helps in reducing blood sugar.  Hibiscus flower tea contains powerful antioxidants that protect and repair cells; offers a rich source of iron to support strong blood and circulation; helps reduce blood sugar levels by prohibiting the absorption of carbohydrates; supports weight loss and weight management goals; calms the digestive system; and offers gastrointestinal relief.
Acidity relief tea: Yes this blend of herbal tea would include ingredients like Anantmool (Hemidesmus Indicus), Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia), Bala (Sida Cordifolia), Rasna (Pluchea Lanceolata), Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus), Coriander Seed, Licorice Root, Cardamom, Milk Thistle and Ginger etc.
Clear skin tea: Now this is something most women would fall for (pun intended). This type of tea generally consist of flowers and herbs such as Rose Petals, Calendula, Rosemary Leaves, Lavender Flower, Mint (Pudina) Leaves, Sage, Chamomile Flower, Thyme Leaves, Licorice Root, Neem Leaves, Aloe Vera leaves and Green Tea.
Detox tea: I believe this is the latest fad in the market. All the conscious ones are popping in pills but they can switch to the specific Organic Chamomile Tea as Calming Tisane – it helps in improving sleep quality. Chamomile naturally relaxes the nervous system, which not only aids against insomnia, but also improves sleep quality. It calms an upset stomach and boost your immune system.
PCOS relief tea: I find this as the most common condition found in women. Now you girls can integrate the following herbs or tea type for containing this messy ailment. Such type of flower or herb blend tisane helps cure acne, facial hair growth, scalp hair loss related to hormonal imbalance. It consists of Organic Spearmint Leaves (Mentha Spicata), Cinnamon Barks (Cinnamomum Verum), Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera), Vana Tulsi (Ocimum Sanctum), Gokhshura (Tribulus Terrestris), Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza Glabra), St John Wort (Hypericum perforatum), Organic Nettle Leaves (Urtica Dioica), Flax Seed (Linum Usitatissimum), Fenugreek Seed (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum), Chaste Berry (Vitex Agnus-Castus) and Green Tea and the list can be a little different according to the brand you opt for.
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srishyamhealthsciences · 4 years ago
Understanding the potential of herbal products during the pandemic for healthy life
Every person wants to know “how to make sure that our health and immune system are strong enough so we can defend the tiniest and deadliest virus? We know that there is not proven treatment of COVID-19.
We can minimize the risk of infection by using sanitizers and mask but this will not lead to strengthen the immune system, which is the main cause of catching infection.
A study shows that 80% population of developed countries is using herbal product as a treatment of COVID-19 and to boost immunity.
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Understand how Ayurveda can help us to boost immune system
All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) has proved that mild to moderate cases can be treated with COVID-19 with ayurveda innervations. For a healthy immune system, we need to balance Vata, Pita and Kapha in our body. With all the natural ingredients like Tulsi, Mulethi, Ajwain, Aamla& turmeric one can boost immunity and bring him to an optimal health.
Pick the product you can use to boost our immunity system and stay safe in this pandemic.
If you are suffering from Cough or cold, you jump to a decision that you are COVID positive. Isn’t it? Don’t assume the worst immediately. First try some solutions at home. Our “NO CONGEST COLD RELIEF ROLL-ON” can help you recover fast from cough, cold, flu and sinusitis.  
With no preservations and all the natural products, our immunity booster will help you to stay healthy and safe from virus in this pandemic. Apart from fear of getting ill in pandemic, we do have other stress factors like improper diets due to which we don’t intake proper nutrients. A study shows that people with lower level of zinc in their body have higher chances to get ill with COVID. Sri Shyam Health Sciences product has 1000 mg of Vitamin C and 10 mg of Zinc which will boost your immune system and make you safe in this pandemic naturally.
We all know that Tulsi is the favorite ingredient of Ayurveda. So, with that we have made another immunity booster product Sri Shyam Tulsi Amrit which also have all the antioxidants properties. Antioxidants are important for our body as they protect us from radicals, which are the reason of heart disease. It builds your respiratory health which will calm down your anxiety and helps you sleep better.
With the natural herbs like mulethi, tulsi, black pepper, turmeric,amla, dry ginger and muchmore, Sri Shyam Amrit Kadha works as a Honeydew for your body. Every herb has numerous benefits. Ginger has gingerol - an antioxidant which is a proven remedy to kill virus, turmeric has curcumic which can remove all the toxins from your body which can strengthen your immune system.
We don’t end here, we do have more products, which can work as best antidote to boost your immunity and stay away from virus.
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livinnatureindia · 5 years ago
Father’s Day is celebrated worldwide to recognize the contribution that fathers and father figures make to the lives of their children. This day celebrates fatherhood and male parenting. Although it is celebrated on a variety of dates worldwide, many countries observe this day on the third Sunday in June and this year its on At Livin Nature we suggests to give immunity to your family or to your father . It often happens that we are reluctant to use home remedies and experts feel that in majority cases, home remedies are effective. One such common illness in which home remedies are helpful is viral flu. According to experts, Tulsi, also known as the Holy Basil, is an important part of home remedies. While Tulsi has a special religious significance, it is also magical medicinal qualities. In words of Ayurveda, the bitter and slightly astringent Tulsi leaves are nature's best antibiotics. They are one of the most commonly used ingredients in many Indian home remedies ranging from kadha to chest balm. It is also recommended that on a daily basis one should start the day with two to three drops of Tulsi in glass of lukewarm water on an empty stomach and before sleep. This piece of information talks about the 3 easy ways in which you can use Tulsi leaves to stay safe from seasonal flu and viruses and boost. . Tulsi water-It is a combination of Tulsi drops, ginger drops, cinnamon drops and cardamom drops with some freshly crushed black-pepper All you need to do is boil them together in water and strain. According to experts, drinking ¼ cup of this water daily helps in recovering from dengue and malaria and protect you from many other viruses . . Tulsi, honey and turmeric-The combination aids digestion by stimulating the flow of bile and also has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal properties that help protect you from cough and cold. . Tulsi tea-Made with Tulsi drops, jaggery, water and lemon juice, this caffeine-free tea has a sweet aftertaste and is good for digestion and has anti-bacterial properties that keep you safe from seasonal fever and flu. Make sure that you have it warm for effective results . You can buy our products at @amazondotin #immunity #natural
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ayurvedainitiative-blog · 5 years ago
PM Narendra Modi shares his Ayurvedic formulae to increase immunity
PM Narendra Modi shares his Ayurvedic formulae to increase immunity
By - 
Apr 14, 2020, 14:53 IST
While the entire nation is trying different means of immunity boosting on a daily basis during the Corona scare quarantine period, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made it simpler on Wednesday night, as he posted ‘General Measures to enhance the body’s natural defence system’. In his post he duly mentioned that prevention is better than cure and while there is no medicine for COVID19 as of now, it will be good to take preventive measures which boost our immunity.
In his post he talked about the magic and power of Ayurveda. The measures mentioned in the post were recommended by the Ministry of Ayush. The preventive health measures are with special reference to respiratory system, which are supported by Ayurvedic literature and scientific publications. In his late night post he urged the nation to have a look at the Ayush Ministry protocol and make it a part of your lives and share it with others too. His post read, “Let’s keep the focus on being healthy. After all, good health is the harbinger of happiness.
1. He suggests drinking warm water throughout the day to stay hydrated and flush out the toxins from the body.
2. He suggests using haldi (turmeric), jeera (cumin seeds), dhaniya (coriander) and lahsun (garlic) in daily cooking.
3. He duly stresses on the power of Ayurveda and its power in boosting the immune system. In his guideline for self care during COVID19 crisis, he suggests to take Chyavanprash 10 gm (1 tsp)in the morning.
4. He also suggests drinking herbal tea/ decoction (Kadha) made from tulsi, dalchini, kalimirch, dry ginger, munakka, which is mean to be consumed twice a day. You can add jaggery or fresh lime juice to enhance the taste of the drink.
5. He calls traditional Haldi Doodh as Golden Milk and suggests to consume it once or twice a day. All you need to do is add ½ tsp haldi powder in 150 ml hot milk and consume it.
6. In case you are having sore throat/dry cough, he suggests taking steam inhalation with fresh pudina leaves and ajwain seeds. Practice it once a day. You can also use cloves powder with sugar or honey and consume it 2-3 times a day. He stresses, it is best to consult a doctor if symptoms of dry cough and sore throat persist.
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akhileshrana · 5 years ago
Ayurveda’s immunity - Press Information Bureau Government of India
Ayurveda’s immunity boosting measures for self care during COVID 19 crisis Posted On: 31 MAR 2020 2:31PM by PIB Delhi In the wake of the Covid 19 outbreak, entire mankind across the globe is suffering. Enhancing the body’s natural defence system (immunity) plays an important role in maintaining optimum health. We all know that prevention is better than cure. While there is no medicine for COVID-19 as of now, it will be good to take preventive measures which boost our immunity in these times. Ayurveda, being the science of life, propagates the gifts of nature in maintaining healthy and happy living. Ayurveda’s extensive knowledge base on preventive care derives from the concepts of “Dinacharya” - daily regimes and “Ritucharya” - seasonal regimes to maintain healthy life. It is a plant-based science. The simplicity of awareness about oneself and the harmony each individual can achieve by uplifting and maintaining his or her immunity is emphasized across Ayurveda’s classical scriptures. Ministry of AYUSH recommends the following self-care guidelines for preventive health measures and boosting immunity with special reference to respiratory health. These are supported by Ayurvedic literature and scientific publications. General Measures 1. Drink warm water throughout the day. 2. Daily practice of Yogasana, Pranayama and meditation for at least 30 minutes as advised by Ministry of AYUSH (#YOGAatHome #StayHome #StaySafe) 3. Spices like Haldi (Turmeric), Jeera (Cumin), Dhaniya (Coriander) and Lahsun (Garlic) are recommended in cooking. Ayurvedic Immunity Promoting Measures 1. Take Chyavanprash 10gm (1tsf) in the morning. Diabetics should take sugar free Chyavanprash. 2. Drink herbal tea / decoction (Kadha) made from Tulsi (Basil), Dalchini (Cinnamon), Kalimirch (Black pepper), Shunthi (Dry Ginger) and Munakka (Raisin) - once or twice a day. Add jaggery (natural sugar) and / or fresh lemon juice to your taste, if needed. 3. Golden Milk- Half tea spoon Haldi (turmeric) powder in 150 ml hot milk - once or twice a day. Simple Ayurvedic Procedures 1. Nasal application - Apply sesame oil / coconut oil or Ghee in both the nostrils (PratimarshNasya) in morning and evening. 2. Oil pulling therapy- Take 1 table spoon sesame or coconut oil in mouth. Do not drink, Swish in the mouth for 2 to 3 minutes and spit it off followed by warm water rinse. This can be done once or twice a day. During dry cough / sore throat 1. Steam inhalation with fresh Pudina (Mint) leaves or Ajwain (Caraway seeds) can be practiced once in a day. 2. Lavang (Clove) powder mixed with natural sugar / honey can be taken 2- 3 times a day in case of cough or throat irritation. 3. These measures generally treat normal dry cough and sore throat. However, it is best to consult doctors if these symptoms persist. The above measures can be followed to the extent possible as per an individual’s convenience. These measures are recommended by following eminent Vaidyas from across the Country as they may possibly boost an individual’s immunity against infections
Disclaimer: The above advisory does not claim to be treatment for COVID 19
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newslobster · 2 years ago
Winter Immunity: How To Make Ajwain Kali Mirch Kadha To Boost Immunity
Winter Immunity: How To Make Ajwain Kali Mirch Kadha To Boost Immunity
The advantages of Kadha need no separate introduction. Be it a glass of tulsi-turmeric kadha or giloy kadha, kadha is one magical winter drink that spells nothing but comfort and goodness. Since time immemorial, this desi drink has been a staple for many people. Adding to the array of options, here is another excellent kadha recipe that is both effective and tasty. Ajwain Kali Mirch Kadha is made…
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patankar · 2 years ago
Ayurvedic Tea In Rainy Season
After bearing the scorching heat for months, monsoon comes as a sigh of relief. The Arrival of monsoon also brings along with it a rise in seasonal flu and viral infections. Ayurveda suggests that there is an aggravation in the vata dosha during the monsoon which makes people prone to illnesses. In order to keep these illnesses at bay we need to make some modifications in our everyday routines as per the changing seasons. Monsoon is also the best season to enjoy some hot pakodas and tea but these are not very good for the overall health and immunity due to high calories and lots of oil. But you need not give up on these cravings, rather you can combine these dishes with any of the ayurvedic teas which can help in boosting the immunity as well balance out some of the negative effects.
The following ayurvedic teas can be easily made at home with the help of some simple ingredients available in the kitchen.
1) Brown Sugar Ginger Tea
Brown Sugar Ginger Tea is one of the most versatile and is consumable in any season. It has lots of benefits to offer. Ginger is a super food which helps in strengthening an individual from within as it prepares the body to withstand any season. During the monsoon season, our digestive system becomes sluggish and consuming ginger tea is the best way to tackle this problem. In monsoon, there are many people who suffer from common cold, respiratory tract infections, scratchy throat and other allergy symptoms, ginger tea can serve as the most effective remedy to prevent such symptoms.
How to make:
Ginger tea is a quick and easy ayurvedic tea which requires only two ingredients, one is ginger powder and the other one is Khandsari (brown) sugar. To make the tea, boil few teaspoons of Ginger powder or fresh ginger slices in water for about 15 minutes. Add Khandsari (brown) sugar to this ginger water and simmer for about 5 minutes. Strain and consume this miraculous tea loaded with lots of health benefits.
2) Tulsi Leaves Tea
Tulsi also known as Indian basil is considered as sacred in India. It is used as a medicinal herb in ayurveda since ages. It is believed that Tulsi can help in treating almost all illnesses. It helps in building strong immunity. It can help in getting rid of digestive issues. Serves as one of the best remedies for seasonal allergies and respiratory tract infections. It can relieve flu symptoms like headache and fever very effectively. Hot Tulsi tea can serve as a great immunity booster in the monsoon season to keep illnesses at bay.
How to make:
In order to make this divine immunity boosting tea, just boil few Tulsi leaves for a period of 10 to 15 minutes. The tea is ready to consume. It is not necessary to strain this tea as Tulsi leaves can be eaten along with the tea for extra health benefits.
3) Immunity Boosting Kadha
Immunity boosting Ayurvedic Kadha consists of an incredible blend of immunity boosting herbs such as Tulsi, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger and Peppercorns. It is a little hot in nature making it perfect to be consumed during the monsoon season. This tea serves as the best remedy for people with a weak immune system.
How to make:
This magical ayurvedic decoction can be made by boiling around 5 to 6 leaves of sacred Tulsi, a bark of cinnamon, 2 cloves and 4 peppercorns. This decoction needs to be boiled until it reduces to half and then strained. The Immunity boosting ayurvedic kadha is ready to be consumed.
4) Yellow Tea
Turmeric has been used as a medicinal herb in Ayurvedic medicines since ages. It has been known for its antibacterial properties. Turmeric tea when combined with ingredients such as honey, lemon and ginger can serve as the most delicious tea to be consumed in monsoon. This tea has helps in preventing or getting rid of monsoon related illnesses. It also helps in reducing arthritis symptoms, boosting immunity and regulating the blood pressure levels.
How to make:
In order to make this tea, powdered, grated or ground turmeric has to be boiled in around 4 cups of water for 10 to 15 minutes. This magical yellow tea can be strained and consumed as it is or few other ingredients such as lemon, honey, black pepper or ginger can be added to enhance the flavour as well as the nutritional value.
5) Minty Tea
Peppermint leaves are used as an ayurvedic remedy for indigestion, diarrhoea, fever, cough etc. It is known to reduce stress as well as calm the mind. Having Peppermint tea after meals helps to improve the digestive system and increase the energy levels by reducing stress. Having it before bedtime induces peaceful and calming sleep.
How to make:
Boil 2 to 3 cups of water and turn off the flame. Add few peppermint leaves in this water. Leave it aside for 5 minutes. Strain this decoction and have it warm.
To conclude, monsoon is the best season to enjoy with friends and family provided that you do not fall ill. Monsoon brings along with it lots of fun and joy but also infections, allergies, diseases etc. which we can prevent by having one or a combination of these magical, powerful and effective ayurvedic decoctions.
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baijuwbn · 3 years ago
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Benefits of Ayurvedic home remedies | Mruja Ayurveda
The best part of Ayurvedic home remedies is that they are simple to use and prepare. Also, you can fetch the ingredients easily from the kitchen and administer them effectively with no harm to your health. Anything that has medicinal use and is readily available may be used as a home remedy. Some examples include clove, cinnamon, black pepper, cumin, fennel, rock salt, turmeric, coriander, ginger, honey, licorice, garlic, onion, holy basil and mint. Even exercises, massaging techniques and detoxification therapies are known as home remedies. In some cases, a well-balanced diet can also be a home remedy to reduce the symptoms.
Here are some best-kept health secrets of Ayurveda. Let us understand them.
To boost immunity During winters, one of the remedies to improve immunity in children is to rub jaiphal in a little milk and give it to them. Also, ginger tea can help keep away cold and cough in adults. So, to prepare ginger tea, you need to boil ginger, tulsi and a little green tea. Your body’s resistance can increase against infections if you daily eat 5-6 Holy basil (Tulsi) leaves with 2-3 peppercorns and a teaspoon of honey. Soak almonds overnight. Make a paste with some honey and eat daily.
For sore throat, cold and cough Here is the recipe of a kadha that is good for your throat. Bring two cups of water to a boil, add ½ tsp crushed ginger, ¼ tsp crushed peppercorns, a handful of Holy Basil (Tulsi) leaves, a pinch of turmeric, a stick of cinnamon and four cloves. Allow it to simmer. Next, stain and add honey. Take warm water, add one tsp of rock salt and gargle. Take 4-6 black pepper seeds, add a teaspoon of honey and mix it thoroughly. Take it several times a day to get relief from cough. Soak about 5-8 almonds in water overnight. After removing the skin, grind them into a fine paste and add 20 grams of butter and sugar to this paste. Take this paste two times a day to get rid of cough. Boil 5-10 gms small slices of ginger in a glass of water for five minutes and add a teaspoonful of sugar. Strain and drink this tea 4-6 times a day to get instant relief from the common cold.
For acidity and gas Dissolve a pinch of asafetida in a hot cup of water. Once it is cold, drink this water. Take 100 gms cumin, 50 gms fenugreek and 100 gms fennel seeds and dry roast them. Once they cool down, make powder and take 1 tsp with water before bed. This will prevent flatulence and acidity. For immediate relief, take a spoonful of Ajwain seeds along with a cup of lukewarm water.
For joint pains Take mustard oil and massage the affected joint. Make powder of dried ginger, black pepper, black salt and take a teaspoonful of this mixture with water.
For weight loss Your digestive system should be powerful and active to speed up weight loss. One of the easiest tips for weight loss is to sip warm water throughout the day.
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solshop · 1 year ago
Herbal Tea for Stress Reduction and Immune Health - Solshop
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Understanding the intricate relationship between stress and the immune system provides valuable insights into how our body responds to various stimuli. Stress, along with other factors, can have a huge impact on the immune system, influencing its ability to defend the body against infections and diseases.
The Stress-Immune System Connection:
Sympathetic Nervous System Activation: When the body perceives stress, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, initiating the "fight or flight" response. This response is essential for dealing with immediate threats but can become problematic when stress is chronic. The release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline can suppress certain immune functions.
Cytokine Imbalance: Chronic stress can lead to an imbalance in cytokine production. Cytokines are signalling molecules that play a crucial role in immune responses. Stress-induced alterations in cytokine levels may contribute to inflammation and weaken the immune system.
Now that we know how stress is connected to the immune system. Let's understand how it impacts our immunity.
Effects of Chronic Stress on Immune Function:
Reduced White Blood Cell Production: Chronic stress has been associated with a decrease in the production of white blood cells, including lymphocytes, which are essential for the body's defence against infections.
Impaired Immune Response: Prolonged exposure to stress can impair the immune response by reducing the activity of natural killer cells, T cells, and other immune components.
Inflammation: Stress-induced inflammation can contribute to various health issues. Inflammation is a natural part of the immune response, but chronic inflammation can be harmful and has been linked to various diseases.
Watch this video to understand more about the Stress-Immune Connection.
Herbal Teas as Stress-Relievers
Enter the world of herbal teas—a soothing and natural way to combat stress. Certain herbs contain compounds that interact with our nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing the impact of stress on the body. Here are some herbal teas that stand out for their stress-reducing properties:
Chamomile Tea: Chamomile is a gentle herb known for its calming effects. It contains apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to specific receptors in the brain, inducing relaxation and reducing anxiety. A warm cup of chamomile tea in the evening can help unwind the mind and prepare the body for restful sleep.
Adaptogenic Elixirs: Adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha, holy basil (tulsi), and rhodiola have been traditionally used to help the body adapt to stress. Incorporating these herbs into herbal tea blends can provide a holistic approach to stress management.
Boosting Immunity Through Herbal Infusions
Many herbal teas also contribute to immune health because of herbs that are rich in antioxidants, increased production of white blood cells and anti-inflammatory properties.
Echinacea Tea: Echinacea is renowned for its immune-stimulating properties. Regular consumption of echinacea tea may help support the immune system, making it a valuable addition during periods of heightened stress.
Ginger and Turmeric Blends: Ginger and turmeric are potent anti-inflammatory herbs. Combining them in a tea not only provides a comforting, warming beverage but also delivers immune-boosting benefits.
Berry Infusions: Strawberries and cranberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, making them a popular choice for immune support. 
The Healing Elixirs: SOL Teas
1. Tangerine Turmeric Tea: This blend, featuring turmeric, lemon peel, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom, and lemongrass, is a symphony of immune-boosting elements. Turmeric's anti-inflammatory prowess combines with the calming essence of ginger, offering a dual benefit for stress reduction and immune support.
2. Kwath Kadha: A robust infusion of amla, giloy, turmeric, ashwagandha, tulsi, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, and licorice, Kwath Kadha embodies the adaptogenic power of ashwagandha and stress-relieving qualities of tulsi, creating a holistic elixir for well-being.
3. Blissful Berries: Pineapple, strawberry, orange peel, and cranberry intertwine in Blissful Berries, delivering not only a burst of antioxidants but also a melody of flavors that can uplift the spirit, contributing to overall immune wellness.
4. White Wizard Tea: Crafted with white tea, orange peel, rose, tulsi rama, kudzu root, rooibos, ashwagandha, mint, turmeric, and ginger, this elixir is a masterpiece of immune-boosting ingredients that offer tranquillity and fortification.
5. Calming Chamomile Tea: A blend of chamomile and lemongrass, this tea is an exquisite ode to relaxation. Beyond its calming effects, chamomile supports the immune system, creating a serene experience for both body and mind.
6. Jolly Jecur Tea: A blend of Nettle and Echnicea dedicated to cleansing the liver provides the body with the essential vitamins and minerals and helps cleanse toxins from the body. Echinacea in this tea helps to boost white blood cell production & fight off infection for a stronger immune system
In the intricate dance of stress and immunity, SOL Teas emerges as a conductor of harmony, weaving together stress-relieving herbs and immune-boosting elements. By incorporating these elixirs into our daily rituals, we not only find solace amid stress but also empower our immune system to stand resilient against life's challenges. So, let the healing power of SOL Teas be your guide, offering a melody of well-being that transcends the complexities of stress and nurtures a thriving immune system.
READ ALSO - Blog posts Green Tea: The Elixir of Health and Wellness – Solshop
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drsharadent · 3 years ago
Having A Sore Throat DOES NOT MEAN Just Throat Infection….U Might Be Suffering From These !!
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omcorganic · 3 years ago
Need for Immunity and Optimal Health during and after COVID times- omcorganic
“Immune boosting” is a trending topic during the COVID-19 pandemic. The concept of “Immune boosting” at times is scientifically misleading and often used to market unproven products and therapies. During these unprecedented times the highly popular immune-boosting is Herbal Tea or Kadha – Indian blend of herbs and spices. India as a country is undergoing a nutritional shift, resulting in a diet that is high in fat, high in salt and high in sugar, with low fiber intake and a sedentary lifestyle. A large number of Indians have a lower intake of vitamins and other micro-nutrients which are essentials for overall optimal health.
For example, intake of Zinc, and Vitamins C and D is seen to be generally lower than what is required for optimal immune function. Also, while omega-3 Fatty Acids EPA and DHA are essential, a typical Indian diet may not include it in adequate quantities, since these are found primarily in fish oil and a majority of the India population is vegetarians. These nutrition gaps have led to a rise in lifestyle diseases, as well as lower immunity levels.
Herbal tea natural and refreshing are good for your health. Herbal tea is a refreshing drink that can be consumed in both hot and cold form. It is a natural drink that has no side effects. The popularity of herbal tea in India has increased manifold over the past few years. There are many types of herbal tea available in the market today, which are made from a variety of ingredients such as peppermint, camomile, ginger, chamomile and many more.
Covid-19 or Corona Virus was declared as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. And while the countries are grappling with imminent dangers that this virus poses to humanity, there are few key measures that individuals can take to fight this pandemic. While it is crucial to mention hygiene standards like washing your hands frequently, especially if you have travelled by public transport. Using an alcohol sanitizer, in case you are travelling to disinfect your hands, wearing a mask (cover your nose and mouth) and avoiding touching your hand or mouth. There are also certain methods to improve your immunity which is paramount at this juncture. A good diet should be followed by an exercise routine. Remember to exercise regularly; even light exercise will go a long way in releasing the toxins from your body. It is recommended to exercise for 30 to 45 minutes, depending on your stamina.
Specific measures are recommended in COVID-19 times Drink warm water throughout the day. Practice Meditation, Yoga and Pranayama. Increase the intake of Turmeric, Cumin, Coriander and Garlic. Drink herbal tea or decoction of Chamomile, Nettle Leaf, Tulsi Lemon, Hibiscus and Moringa. Avoid sugar and replace it with jaggery if needed. Apply Ghee (clarified butter), Sesame oil, or Coconut oil in both the nostrils to keep the nostrils clean. Inhale steam with Mint leaves and Caraway Seeds.
While the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic is fought by our health care workers, we can do our bit by limiting our exposure to the virus by staying indoors, social distancing, eating healthy, hydrating and following basic hygiene protocol. Herbal Tea is a homemade, aromatic drink that has numerous healing properties. It is used in India since ancient times but currently, it has again come into the limelight due to the Corona pandemic. Apart from boosting one’s immunity, the Herbal Tea relaxes the body, decreases body temperature, improves skin quality, strengthens stomach health, and much more. There are many versions of herbal tea in the market but there are some basic ingredients which one must study, research and know:
TULSI LEMON TEA Tulsi plant is considered auspicious in India and is worshiped in many parts of the Indian subcontinent. Tulsi plant and leaves offer numerous health benefits.
CHAMOMILE TEA Chamomile is an herb that comes from daisy-like flower of the Asteraceae plant family. Chamomile tea is a popular beverage that also offers a variety of health benefits.
BUTTERFLY PEA TEA Blue tea, or butterfly pea flower tea, is a caffeine-free herbal concoction, made by seeping dried or fresh leaves of the Clitoria Ternatea plant.
HIBISCUS TEA Hibiscus tea, made from dried parts of the hibiscus plant, is deep red in color. It has sweet and tart flavors, similar to cranberry, and may be consumed hot or iced. Overall Benefits of Herbal Tea Boosts immune system Detoxification Fights against respiratory complaints Aids digestion
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pawanus · 3 years ago
VAHDAM - Organic Ayurvedic Kadha Tea (50 Ayush Kadha Tea Bags) | Herbal Tea for Immunity | Grandma's Kadha with Tulsi, Amla, Turmeric, Ginger, Black Pepper, Fennel, Cumin and Cloves
VAHDAM – Organic Ayurvedic Kadha Tea (50 Ayush Kadha Tea Bags) | Herbal Tea for Immunity | Grandma’s Kadha with Tulsi, Amla, Turmeric, Ginger, Black Pepper, Fennel, Cumin and Cloves
Price: (as of – Details) Product Description A Cup Full of Wellness, Flavor & Health Benefits Functional Benefit Immune Support Helps with digestion. Helps with digestion. Kills bacteria For bone health ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Natural ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Bioactive ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Tastes Delicious ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Ingredient Functional Benefit For bone health Helps with digestion. For bone health Rich in Vitamin C Rich in…
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